
Duratherm HTO

Engineered for precise and efficient temperature control up to 316°C (600°F), our HTO thermal fluid is a budget-wise solution for any heat transfer applications that need an environmentally friendly, low cost fluid capable of meeting today’s fast-paced production demands.

  • 316°C (600°F) maximum operating temperature
  • An economical option that outlasts the competition
  • Environmentally friendly, non-hazardous and non-reportable
  • Excellent thermal stability
  • Contains antioxidants for added protection from oxidation
Temerature Ratings
Maximum Bulk/Use Temp 316°C
Maximum Film Temp 333°C
Pour Point ASTM D445 -15°C
Safety Data
Flash Point ASTM D92 219°C
Fire Point ASTM D92 232°C
Auto Ignition ASTM E-659-78 360°C
Thermal Properties
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 0.182 %/°C
Thermal Conductivity W/m·K
38°C 0.137
260°C 0.125
288°C 0.123
316°C 0.121
Heat Capacity kJ/kg·K
38°C 1.892
260°C 2.587
288°C 2.675
316°C 2.759
Physical Properties
Viscosity ASTM D445 cSt
40°C 39.41
260°C 0.99
288°C 0.84
316°C 0.74
Density ASTM D1298 d/ml
38°C 0.811
260°C 0.667
288°C 0.649
316°C 0.632
Vapour Pressure ASTM D2879 kPa
38°C 0
260°C 2.344
288°C 4.964
316°C 9.653
Distillation Range ASTM D2887
10% 372°C
90% 456°C
Average Molecular Weight 371

Note: The values quoted in the table above are typical of normal production.
They do not constitute a specification.

Contact Us

Duratherm has a global network of representatives available to serve you. Please make use of our contact form and we'll be sure to connect you with your local agent right away. [email protected]

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