
Duratherm 450

Rated to 233°C (450°F), Duratherm 450 is specifically engineered for applications requiring a thermal fluid capable of efficient process heating and cooling. Economical and thermally stable, it provides precise temperature control and is proven to be an excellent alternative to costly synthetics and aromatic fluids.

  • 233°C (450°F) maximum operating temperature while cooling properties
  • Cold temperature pumpability down to -45°C (-49°F)
  • Recommended for precise control of heating and cooling cycles
  • Economical alternative to costly synthetics and aromatics
  • Long lasting and environmentally friendly
  • Uses a dual-stage anti-oxidant to resist oxidation
Temerature Ratings
Maximum Bulk/Use Temp 233°C
Maximum Film Temp 255°C
Pour Point ASTM D445 -45°C
Safety Data
Flash Point ASTM D92 150°C
Fire Point ASTM D92 164°C
Auto Ignition ASTM E-659-78 330°C
Thermal Properties
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 0.1829 %/°C
Thermal Conductivity W/m·K
-40°C 0.147
-18°C 0.147
38°C 0.142
100°C 0.138
204°C 0.13
Heat Capacity kJ/kg·K
-40°C 1.905
-18°C 1.974
38°C 2.144
100°C 2.331
204°C 2.649
Physical Properties
Viscosity ASTM D445 cSt
-40°C 104
-18°C 29.81
40°C 4.62
100°C 1.78
204°C 0.77
Density ASTM D1298 d/ml
-40°C 0.906
-18°C 0.891
38°C 0.852
100°C 0.81
204°C 0.739
Vapour Pressure ASTM D2879 kPa
-40°C 0
-18°C 0
38°C 0.552
100°C 1.475
204°C 11.597
Distillation Range ASTM D2887
10% 263°C
90% 509°C
Average Molecular Weight 372

Note: The values quoted in the table above are typical of normal production.
They do not constitute a specification.

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Duratherm has a global network of representatives available to serve you. Please make use of our contact form and we'll be sure to connect you with your local agent right away. [email protected]

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