
Duratherm 630

Rated to 333°C (630°F) and engineered to be an economical and environmentally friendly replacement to chemical aromatic thermal fluids, Duratherm 630’s enhanced blend is designed to offer years of trouble free service and superior protection from oxidation even at higher operating temperatures.

  • 333°C (630°F) maximum operating temperature
  • Clean alternative to synthetic, benzene based thermal fluids
  • Engineered for precise temperature control
  • Lubricates and extends the life of gaskets and seals
  • Superior protection against sludge formation
  • Non-toxic, non-hazardous
Temerature Ratings
Maximum Bulk/Use Temp 333°C
Maximum Film Temp 355°C
Pour Point ASTM D445 -18°C
Safety Data
Flash Point ASTM D92 229°C
Fire Point ASTM D92 245°C
Auto Ignition ASTM E-659-78 367°C
Thermal Properties
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 0.182 %/°C
Thermal Conductivity W/m·K
38°C 0.144
100°C 0.14
204°C 0.135
260°C 0.131
288°C 0.13
316°C 0.128
332°C 0.127
Heat Capacity kJ/kg·K
38°C 1.989
100°C 2.195
204°C 2.539
260°C 2.721
288°C 2.814
316°C 2.906
332°C 2.958
Physical Properties
Viscosity ASTM D445 cSt
40°C 42.38
100°C 6.82
204°C 1.63
216°C 1.47
260°C 1.06
288°C 0.91
316°C 0.79
332°C 0.74
Density ASTM D1298 d/ml
38°C 0.854
100°C 0.811
204°C 0.741
260°C 0.702
288°C 0.684
316°C 0.665
332°C 0.654
Vapour Pressure ASTM D2879 kPa
38°C 0
100°C 0
204°C 0.4
260°C 2.275
288°C 4.895
316°C 9.653
332°C 13.9
Distillation Range ASTM D2887
10% 383°C
90% 494°C
Average Molecular Weight 395
Specific Gravity @ 16°C 0.864

Note: The values quoted in the table above are typical of normal production.
They do not constitute a specification.